
My Neighbor’s Voice

May 2023 Newsletter

La voz de mi vecino

My Neighbor’s Voice Spanish Project

Thanks to Leesa Tobón Brotherton, Diana Farfán, Gina Sein, Ron Friis, Carole Salmon, Celeste Purdie, and Victoria Chance for making up the initial core of the Spanish Project’s pilot team.

We gathered on May 27 to explore and generate ideas around how best to share our new bilingual Listening Cards with our community. Many good things in the works!

We’ll keep you posted as they unfold over the next few months. If you know of a community or organization that might benefit from our bilingual Listening Cards (Cartas de escuchas), please contact us at: Gracias.

Victoria Chance, MNV Executive Director & Co-founder

Community Events & Announcements

MNV Dinner Listening Event

You are invited to our June dinner event!

We look forward to gathering with you to enjoy a catered meal and evening of listening.

This event will be held at St James Episcopal Church on 301 Piney Mtn Rd Greenville, SC. We will start promptly at 6:30 PM.

The deadline to sign up is June 18. Please register in advance using the button below!


Changes in the Air

The Board is thrilled to announce a new expanded role for Hannah Gillespie as our Communications and Technical Support Director.  This is a new position created as Eric Ryter needed to step down as our Technical Support Director. Eric has some exciting work projects on the horizon with his own business as well as a growing family. We can't thank Eric enough for all he has done! 

In this new role, Hannah will oversee the website and be our support for our online events. She will continue to do all that she has been doing so well in her Communications Director role. You will be hearing from her in our newsletters and in our announcements of upcoming events, both online and in person. 

Hannah has greatly enhanced our ability to reach folks on many different platforms, through social media, our newsletter, and website. She will continue to work on making sure we are communicating effectively across all mediums.  

Join us as we welcome Hannah in this new role!  

Mary Anne Inglis, MNV Co-founder

Upcoming Events: Café Listening

You are invited to our regular café listening events!

These offerings are held once a month on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 6-7:30 p.m. EST.

The Tasting Room is located at 164 S Main St, Suite C in Travelers Rest. This event will be held on every second Tuesday this summer — June 13, July 11, and August 15.

What Ales You is located at 105 New Plaza Dr C in Greenville. These events will be held on every third Wednesday through the summer — June 21, July 19, and August 23.

Please register in advance using the link below!


Bilingual Dinner Event

Gina attended our La Voz de mi Vecino pilot and was so inspired she decided to plan her own!

This dinner, hosted by two female veterans, will take place in Simpsonville on June 27 at 6:30 PM.

If you are interested in attending this bilingual event, please reach out to Gina at

Upcoming Moderator Training Opportunities

Ready to host your own My Neighbor’s Voice events? Join one of our upcoming moderator training sessions!

We are offering two opportunities this year, including an online option for your convenience! We hope to see you there on June 27 via Zoom or September 9 in Greenville.

Sign up in advance using the button below!

Sign Up

Fundraiser Opportunity: We Need You!

We are honored to be invited as a community partner for the 2023 Upstate Community & Family Day on Saturday, August 5th.

This event, organized by Urban League of the Upstate, provides school supplies for 700 students in our community.

We can’t wait to attend, but we need your support in purchasing supplies! Please consider donating to MNV and designate your gift to this project. Every donation counts — it takes a village!


Strategic Planning at MNV Board Retreat

In May, our board gathered in person for our final session of strategic planning. Through this process we were able to set goals and action items to carry the growth of our organization into the next 5 years.

The collective energy and efforts of our board made for a successful retreat. These are exciting times for our organization, and our particular mix of people, talents, and gifts is just what we need to take us to our next level of community engagement and effectiveness.

We are excited to share what we are working behind the scenes — more to come!

Shop Update: Spanish Project Shirts

NEW: English/Spanish long sleeve shirts in our shop! Logos on front and back! For ordering information, click the button below.

Order Shirts

How To: Host MNV

If you are wondering how to use your My Neighbor’s Voice listening cards or looking to host a MNV listening session… we have resources for you!

We have created tutorial videos that we hope this helps you understand the MNV process and some questions you may encounter.

Whether you’re looking for in person or virtual events, My Neighbor’s Voice’s services and programs can help you foster resilient communities in your area!

These videos and list of services live on our website homepage, so feel free to reference them or share with your friends! As always, don’t hesitate to reach out to us!

We Want to Hear From You!

Have an idea for a new My Neighbor’s Voice Listening Card? We are now taking submissions for community questions.

Please consider these target audiences: Elders, Youth, and Colleagues.

Submit a Question

Thank You, As Always, To Our Donors:

Deep gratitude to the following who donated to My Neighbor’s Voice in memory of Ileana Shaner:


MNV is now able to take stock donations!